I purchased myself some w/m spelt whilst my wife was shopping in Fremantle and this is what I did with it
I started off a levain with 200g of w/m spelt and 200g of water and 66g of s/d culture straight from the fridge leaving it to do its thing overnight in the morning I added 400g of Bakers flour and mixed it together, I let it Autolyse for 1 hour and then added 2% salt and 2% olive oil and 1% dried yeast and mixed by hand on the bench .The dough was then allowed to bulk ferment for 2 hours and it was then knocked back and divided into 3 pieces enough to fill a banneton and enough for 2 small loaf tins that I have. after allowing half an hour recovery the loaves were shaped and placed in their receptacles to prove inside plastic shopping bags tied by the handles. The small tin loaves were given a wash and semolina flour was dusted over the top through a sieve these were slashed and put into the oven and covered with a deep roasting pan.
The banneton loaf was rolled out onto a dusted plywood hand peel and slashed before being slid onto a pizza stone and the roasting pan being used over it.
This is the result
put the knife there to show the size of the small loaves
I just went back past the bread so had to photo the cracking taking place
I was able to cut one of the small loaves and taste , the crust beautiful and crisp the crumb nice and soft and a flavour that stays on the palate even some 5 minutes later.
I shall be taking the loaf to a family gathering for my eldest Grand daughters birthday celebration after school she will be 11 years old today, born on the 11 day of the 11 month.
kind regards Derek
- yozzause's Blog
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It is great to see that retirement has not dulled your touch at all Derek! I doubt it ever will, but I do wager that you miss the wood fired oven you had access to at work. Not that you need it to turn out a fine loaf. That is a lovely crumb for what looks to be a 33% Spelt dough. Lucky grand daughter and family.
Good to see your work again Derek
Ah yes the wood fired oven sad to say it will be torn down as the whole college site is to be cleared next year . The hospitality section was going to stay as a stand alone building and the rest of the site cleared probably for housing however there has been a big shake up here with the Tafe system and now two colleges will be combined and as they other has a hospitality section the way is clear for the whole lot to go. I shall have to get in there and use it before it goes. I doubt if there will be a chance to salvage it either the way they do demolition these days its all big machines and very little salvage. Sad to say. So yes I shall miss the demise of the oven and remembering the ovens dedication to the Building Instructor who was killed in a one punch or Cowards punch as we refer to them now, plus the loss of the kitchen facility and the former work colleagues close by. Looks like I retired at the right time.
Kind regards Derek
If the oven is slated for demolition anyway, maybe you could convince the school to let you take it home; assuming that you know someone who could move it without harming it, of course. A really good friend might be willing to do it for the occasional loaf of bread.
The crust looks super crunchy. I really like the look of the pan loaves.
Hi Pal the crust is really quite crunchy, and the small pans were purchased at a local large department store, I originally bought them with the thoughts of using them for an English malt loaf, but they work well for making little give away sample loaves or a good receptacle if you have a bit of dough left over. I may buy a few more as I think that half a dozen loves at this size look cute.
Kind regards Derek
Alas Paul it is rather substantial and not likely to be transported easily. I will see if I can get some support to have it shifted or donated as a community oven but I fear the cost will be prohibitive.The other problem is being a government Institution and strapped for cash they are not going to want to have spend anything.
kind regards Derek
students wouldn't mind missing a bit if school to deconstruct and reconstruct a great new and improved oven that they could use when ever they want. It is d=sad to see stuff with much life in it destroyed by progress that is no where near anything progressive.
Your bred is simple,well crafted beautifu land tasty no doubt. Well done and happy baking