Reinhart's ciabatta with sourdough

Profile picture for user _vk

I made this ciabatta based in  Peter Reinhart's recipe, but I adapted to sourdough. It worked fine, but doesn't really look a lot like a ciabatta, perhaps I made to much tension in shaping and the loaf raised a lot in the oven. Nevertheless it's delicious.

The recipe included already a huge poolish, so I just made the poolish with my starter and ignored the extra yeast to be added at mixing time. That with the kind help of @hreik in this discussion.

From there I followed his steps (kind of:) but watching the dough, not the clock.

Funny, the darker loaf is the one that left the oven first...

Here some shots:





Wonderful result.  Yeah, I think maybe too expert shaping, lol.... tension.  Be sloppier next time.  I am envious.  I"ve never made a really good ciabatta.  Soooo wet and unable to shape at all for me.

You should be very proud.


Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

Just slightly tighter than most ciabatta but the flavor is definitely better with SD. The crumb reminded me of some of my breads. Well done!

I'm proud :) 

I think this is a dryer ciabatta recipe.

The recipe call for 85 to 170 g of water. I used 170 making a 70% dough.

Perhaps with more hydration the crumb will be more open. Jason's Coccodrillo ciabatta is 95%!!  Next time I'l try more water.



of 70% . This is less than the 71% of the basic 123 white bread loaf.  Which is what your loaf ending up looking like on the inside.

You don't really shape ciabatta.   You kind of push it around gent[y.  Get the hydration up to 85% and make sure to flip it over right before it goes into the oven to get more of a ciabatta style of bread.  Lucy tells new to ciabatta bakers to make small individual slippers to make the wet, dough easier to handle and get right the first couple of times...... before trying to make a big one.

Looks like you are well on the ciabatta trail.....

Well done and happy baking