todays sourdough class

Profile picture for user drogon

produced this:

Couple of happy bakers today!


Profile picture for user Lazy Loafer

And it's so nice to know that you are developing even more bakers of good bread. :) I took some of my starter with me when I went to the UK and left the remainder with my daughter, along with some basic instructions for a simple 123 sourdough loaf. She sent me a photo of the results - I was very impressed considering I wasn't there to give any hands-on instruction! Another generation gets the baking bug... :)

I've been developing my courses & style this year - practising with friends intermixed with real paying clients and not had anyone go home unhappy yet. Going to push more advertising locally and online for next year.

Todays went really well. Started with a very bubbly starter at 10am and sourdough out of the oven by 4:30pm and in-between we made some regular yeasted bread as part of lunch.

