CIBATTA style bread 83% hydration and small amount of dry yeast preferment
200ml HI-LO Milk
100g Stone ground wholemeal
0.25g Dry Yeast
I took the opportunity to use milk that was just on the turn to sour for this bread mixing the preferment at 8.50 am and allowed it to do its thing for the rest of the day later in the evening i added the rest of the ingredients and mixed this dough by hand on the bench
500g Flour
12g Salt
310g Water
This dough was quite wet but the pick up and slap method was used on the bench with a couple of 20 - 30 minutes breaks (autolyse) this definitely assists in the handling of the wet dough. once finished it was allowed to stand for an hour or so before me going to bed and was then placed into the fridge overnight. i retrieved the dough at 5.00 am and allowed it time to warm up but didn't reach room temperature before dividing and rudimentary shaping and placing on a couch heavily floured with Semolina Ricinta flour.
The dough pieces were given about an hour and half before being placed into the oven @ 180 for 50 minutes coming out about mid day
Kind regards Derek
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unless the baker flips the dough right before it goes into the oven:-) You must be a retired baker and too busy to flip it like me:-)
Love the idea of using near tossmilk fir the preferment liquid. Has to taste great. They look fantastic and non the worse for wear from the non last minute flip!
Happy baking
Hi Lucy, how could you doubt me, they were proofed upside down and flipped onto a tray and a pizzaa stone for the larger one and then into the oven The heated stone did give a bit more oven spring too.
The milk was purchased as a 3 litre bottle close to code at 1/3 of the normal price most of it was used in a custard and a couple of cereal breakfast sessions the remainder was going to be tossed but worked well with no detectable off flavours associated with milk on the turn, the youngest granddaughter has already made a big dent in the 2nd larger loaf, one of the other smaller ones having already been given away
Ciabatta is all in the flip........ but don't tell anyone:-) Hope retirement goes well for you and yours
Thanks Dab
I was offered a couple of days at the bakery that I took Zita (Bakingbadly) to the other day, it will be to cover for one of his bakers that is going on leave, I haven't jumped at the chance because I have so much to do at the moment, the West Australian Wild Flowers here are peaking and apparently the best show in a decade so want to take the wife and Cindy (mutt) away to the country in the camper for a few days to view the spectacle.
My cousin will also need a hand repairing damaged wires and posts in the vineyard before bud burst which will occur soon if we get more fine weather. Plus my shoulders are giving me a bit of grief at the moment. Anyway If he gets really stuck I would help out though.
Kind regards Derek
I have arranged a meeting with Ross (rossenroller) Zita (bakingbadly) and myself (yozzause) at a bakery café for coffee mid week if I get back from the wildflowers in time. I am also going to purloin some of Ross's starter after mine was lost. So as you can see retirement is quite a busy time.