Salt in starter?


Just wondering, is it OK to have a bit of salt in the sourdough starter?

This recipe, linked below, mixes all the starter, plus flour, water and salt, into a dough and then takes some of that to put back in the fridge for next time. So that means there would be a little bit of salt in the sourdough starter. Would salt have any negative effect on the starter?

Hi, debsch!

Salt inhibits yeast and bacterial growth. You want both of those to grow abundantly. 

Generally, salt is only added at the final mixing of all your ingredients and right before your pre-shape or final shape and into the oven it goes.

Have fun!


Especially if you're warm and/or Tropical.  Can help you control the yeast population,   Bread is around 2% salt and it starts to seriously interfere above 5% on the flour weight,

Oh that's great to hear, thanks! Because that's where I live, in a warm & tropical climate :)
I think I'll run two starters side by side. One taken from the salted dough each bake and one kept "pure", and see if I notice any difference.