Back in the day when I had a small commercial bakery, I developed a very popular bread from a one-loaf batch written for home bakers. I've since lost both recipes, and am hoping someone can help me find it.
The original source would have been from printed media widely available in the mid 90s, probably a book, though it could have been a popular magazine like Sunset. The bread was a boule that contained a poolish started with commercial yeast and milk. The formula called for all or mostly of white bread flour, and dried rosemary was an ingredient. The original instructions included sprinkling coarse salt into the slash, specified as a cross shape.
There are lots of similar rosemary/poolish recipes on the Internet, but none I've tried is the right one. Help?
What are the exact characteristics that you're looking for, which you haven't been able to re-create with available recipes? Maybe that would help the experts here (not me, but the real experts!) determine what you might try to change if you can't find the original. Things about the taste, the crust, the crumb, etc.
Is this it?