Is water necessary in pizza crust?


I was watching a pizza-centric episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives the other day (I know, I know!).  In one place, they were dumping the ingredients into the mixer for a batch of dough and the gentleman said Flour, Yeast, Oil, Sugar, and Salt.  I rewound it to be sure I heard it right, but he didn't say Water.  Was that a mistake or can you make dough without water?  I suppose I could try it and see what I get, but it seems almost guaranteed to be a failure.

survive without the right moisture level, so if you leave out water the little beasties won't be multiplying.


That must be a mistake. It would be *sooo* nasty and greasy with just oil. Even worse than Pizza Hut. ;^)

I'm with Mini here - it's common to put the water in first - make it quicker to get the dough together in most mixers.

I'm more concerned that they're putting sugar into the mix than appearing to lose the water...


I'm not an expert, so I didn't want to assume, but this just seemed like an error.  Typically on this show, they name all the ingredients as they make something for the camera, so such a glaring omission was unusual.  That's why I questioned it.

Regarding sugar -- that's actually pretty common in commercial pizza dough, despite the blazing temperatures typically used.  It's mainly for flavor, but I'm sure the yeast love it, too.