Weekend baking, my starter is full of vigour!

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5 boules I baked at Sat and Sun! They're

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Any chance you can share your recipes? It looks fantastic!

That is something you can control! My starter is often so very active. Recently I gave some to someone and they wrote to me  "it is magical!" - always fun to try different ideas.

I used. Total flour 1000g (100g WW, 900g B)

The starter I made,

25g mature starter

50g WW flour

50g Bread flour

90g water@29C/84F

My kitchen temp is about 25-27C/77-80F. Last month room temp was about 21C/70F and the bread had good sourness. I'll try to reduce the starter next time about 120g and bulk proof would take more time.

Zhou clementine, my starter quadruples in 12 hours; she is very active! I want to bake with sourdough again but I still don't have the chance because I'm still busy.