Pain Celtique? (Celtic bread)


Hello all,


Today I made a day trip to Reims, France.  Cool city and stunning cathedral.  Walking on the streets, I saw in the window of a bakery a loaf labeled "Pain Celtique".  I searched the internet and this site and didn't come up with anything definitive. 


The bread in the window looked like it was a spelt bread.  Deep brown boule with a shaggy crumb.  It looked robust and tasty.  


Does anyone know anything about this bread?  

this ingredient?

The recipe lists "Coffee baking soda."  Is that a brand name used in France (French website)?  Erroneous Google translation?  I tried searching for coffee baking soda and all I came up with was some weird home rememdy for hair removal.

Lazy, thanks for the suggestion.  At first thought it didn't seem like a soda bread.  I did a search on Pain Celte and didn't find much.  I'll be in the eastern France/western Germany area for a while for a work project.  If I see the bread again I will get more information. 


Is soda bread in the tradition of Lorraine region bakers?