Hello all,
Today I made a day trip to Reims, France. Cool city and stunning cathedral. Walking on the streets, I saw in the window of a bakery a loaf labeled "Pain Celtique". I searched the internet and this site and didn't come up with anything definitive.
The bread in the window looked like it was a spelt bread. Deep brown boule with a shaggy crumb. It looked robust and tasty.
Does anyone know anything about this bread?
I've seen Pain Celte, which is basically Irish Soda Bread. Could this be it? It is deep brown and shaggy. Check out this link (scroll down for the bread picture). > http://hajeliotecarpau.eklablog.com/les-celtes-a115149094
this ingredient?
The recipe lists "Coffee baking soda." Is that a brand name used in France (French website)? Erroneous Google translation? I tried searching for coffee baking soda and all I came up with was some weird home rememdy for hair removal.
Lazy, thanks for the suggestion. At first thought it didn't seem like a soda bread. I did a search on Pain Celte and didn't find much. I'll be in the eastern France/western Germany area for a while for a work project. If I see the bread again I will get more information.
Is soda bread in the tradition of Lorraine region bakers?