20160525 Evil Mom Making Bread - Cramique

Profile picture for user Yippee

A loaf made for my son...




About seven, eight years ago, I was busy tending a bread dough and did not meet my younger son's demand. He was in kindergarten then and just learned how to write. He  stuck this note on my bedroom door to protest being ignored. So I became the "Evil Mom".

I've kept the note on the door ever since...




 This loaf is made especially for him, he likes raisin breads...





Start by making "candied" orange peels...





Done in a vacuum crock overnight,  re-boil the syrup-peel mixture a couple times;  syrup = sugar:water by volume 1:1; stacking bowls on top to weigh the peels down...






The aroma of orange syrup permeates the air - so festive, fragrant that it's almost unreal. Orange syrup is used in place of sugar...  





Infuse and plump the raisins in orange syrup, and this is the key to success of this loaf...




 Not "candied" all the way, but good enough to get rid of the bitterness in pith...






Mixing the peels, Zo gets busy these days...





Mixing the plumped raisins in the dough...





A relatively short bulk ferment this time - 48 hours...





Using the taping knife in shaping almost every loaf,  I'm loving it...










Nudging the dough down and in the wine cellar it proves, temperature set @ 55F...





Dough after 6.5 hours, a bit under proved - exactly what I want.  Continue to prove at room temperature while oven preheats, and off I go to swim...





Back from swimming, both the dough and the oven are ready, perfect...





Applying egg wash...





Prepping the scissors...





First time cutting a dough like this...Baked @ 400F for 45-60 minutes, cover the top with foil if needed...






Bread flour, 30% pre-fermented with starter; 30% hydration (from starter); 8% orange syrup; whole egg 25%; butter 15%; salt 2%; diced "candied" orange peels 10%; orange flavor infused raisins 30%





Early morning light paints the rosy hue...





The aroma from this bread brings the holiday "feel" to the house...





Crumb shot...






Having fun playing with cameras...so you know, you don't need expensive cameras/lenses most of the time; a cell phone will do...






Ready for breakfast, it's not just any raisin bread...It's raisin bread made with mommy's love ❤❤❤






I like having bread with soup - roasted red pepper with potatoes on top, roasted tomatoes on the right, and okra on the left...


You're right, I could've done it with YW alone or combined it with the starter. Because my starter is very young and not sour at all, so for a change, this time I'm not using YW at all. 

Happy Baking to you, too!


Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

I love raisin bread. This is the best raisin bread I've ever seen. The orange syrup and peels is wonderful and miles ahead from the cinnamon renditions!

I'm sure you're son regretted calling you evil mom when he tasted this one. It's funny how kids blurt out random stuff at their parents only to realize later in life that what their parents were doing were for them.

 Super love this one Yippee! Happy baking!

That's some amazing glossy shine you achieved and your crumb looks perfect. This one must taste great for breakfast and especially with French Toast.



Profile picture for user lepainSamidien

My wife and I will be soon moving to Paris for the coming academic year, and we are right down the road from a famous French patisserie "micro-chain" called "Les merveilleux de Fred." (There's also one in New York, by the bye). Although, as the name suggests, Fred is famous for his "merveilleux" (meringues), my wife and I swoon rather for the cramiques, little buttery pillows of joy and sunshine, an even fluffier version of brioche.

I must admit, however, that if you were to open a shop in Paris and start slinging cramique like the one you're showing off here, you might very well give Fred a run for his money and send him packing back to Lille. I love the addition of candied orange peel . . . bless your heart for doing it by hand ! (I did the same last year in order to make panettone and, yeah, it's a labor of love).

You've got a great gift for telling a story with your photos and small commentaries, and I'm sure I'm not alone in looking forward to your next production ! Bonne continuation !