Multi grain sourdough recipe



Just baked a nice multi grain sourdough and thought I'd share recipe and method here as I was pretty happy with how it turned out (nice and chewy and sour). The timings are mostly a result of trying to get the bread to fit into my evening plans:

80g Wholemeal Flour
75g Spelt Flour
100g Rye Flour
245g Strong White Flour
300g Water
200g Levain (White - 125% Hydration)
12g Salt

- 5pm into bulk ferment
- 21.5C dough temperature
- Kept it in a warm-ish place until about 7pm with a couple of stretch and folds, then moved it to a cold place (c. 16C) until 12:30am
- Shaped, bench rested, shaped and put in a warm-ish place for half an hour or so
- Put in the fridge for 6.5 hours
- Taken out of the fridge and put in a warm-ish place for 1.25hrs
- Baked for 40mins with steam


I love the crumb! I bet it tastes delicious!

That's such a nice combination of flours. Turned out lovely. I'm going to assume from the bottom crust that you didn't bake this in a Dutch oven; was it baked on stones?