Best container for sourdough starter


Hi, just wondering what is the best container for a sourdough starter? Glass or plastic, tight lid or plastic bag with an elastic band? Also do you think you can make a starter in a very large container, if you at some point will be making a lot of bread?



They have plastic lids that screw on. I just screw it on loosely. Sturdy. I keep about 1/4 of the jar. This gives it plenty of room to rise and I can see the activity and any "offness" immediately.

I keep a small amount, 30-50 grams, of starter in a small, food safe plastic container and then build up a levain in two stages when needed.

If I'm going on a trip where I won't be using the starter for a couple of weeks or so, I pack the starter with  flour to the point where it is quite dense and then put a blanket of more flour around it. That's what works for me.

I keep mine in a glass straight-sided bowl with a plastic snap-on lid. Every now and then the lid might pop off, but oh well. 


In the fridge in what used to be a large mayonnaise jar. It has no lid, but I cover it with a sheet of kitchen roll held on with an elastic band.

and comes with a lid is best for me.  I use re-purposed cake icing containers for starters and levains.  Really cool sounding when they blow the lids off too.  Spent last evening listening to them pop off.their lids as the SD and YW levains matured and built up enough CO2.  Take it from me, you don't want anything that can break and get glass into your starter.

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A used jar, imported preserves from France. It has a wide mouth and is not too deep. That with the NMNF method and it's easy peasy.

I don't keep any starter in plastic. Glass seems to keep it happy in my experience. I am with chrisf on this one. I use something that fits that description.

It is perfect for keeping a starter and fits in the butter compartment or similar space in the fridge. Just don't tighten the ring down all the way and you are good to go.