A Little Slice of Heaven...

Profile picture for user Reynard

Carrying on from my blog - which includes the recipe - and prior post (http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/45353/sourdough-easter-babka-babka-wielkanocna-na-zakwasie)...

This was soooooooooo worth trying. Just delicious... Soft, light, sweet, fruity - everything a babka should be. To be honest, you wouldn't ever have thought it was made with sourdough at all.

The one change I would make (other than doing the rise overnight) is to swap the el-cheapo bread flour for the pricer organic one I use for my white french-style bread.

Thanks for the encouragement folks, and for the lessons learnt along the way. I'm so not going to use yeast for this ever again, just can't believe the difference in taste and texture from my usual sorry, crumbly, beery brick to this little (or rather not-so-little) slice of heaven :-)

And as it's tea time here, going to snag another slice with a nice cup of tea :-)


Happy Easter (I'm sure that amazing Babka will help with that!).

No, it's not going to last long, but I have noticed that it's not gone stale - as a yeasted one would have done by now.

I will try a YW one eventually, but let me get this one down pat first ;-) Am tempted to swap the raisins for chocolate chips and the icing for ganache at some point. Now that would be naughty, wouldn't it? ;-)

Good taste. Chocolate, boozy fruit, what's not to like? ;-)

The bakery near where I grew up used to sell marbled chocolate ones with chocolate icing, but I can't remember whether those were yeasted or whether they were a pound cake mix...

P.S. I cling-filmed the leftovers and they still haven't gone stale. I would never thought sourdough would have made such a difference to the keeping qualities. There's enough left for tomorrow's breakfast, though mum is making noises about my baking another one already LOL