Well I decided to try a second attempt at this whole sourdough bread making thing. It turned out alright - I still need to work on shaping, scoring and getting that oven spring. Any advice on why it didn't have much oven spring would be great!
Here is what I did
Ingredients | Weight (g) |
AP flour | 700 |
Stone-ground WW | 200 |
Stone-ground Spelt | 100 |
!00% Hydration Starter | 200 |
Water | 750 |
Salt | 20 |
Dissolve starter into water. Add flours and autolyse for 30 minutes.
Sprinkle with salt and work the dough a little.Let rise for 30 minutes and do a few stretch and folds (Repeat again at 60 minute)
Let rise for another 60 minutes
Divide the dough into two pieces and pre-shape.
Let them rest for 30 minutes
Shape into Boules and proof them for 3 hours (I put them in the basement as it was a bit colder)
Oven at 475 and placed in a dutch oven. Lid on for the first 20 minutes and then off for the last 20.
Boule #1
The crumb of the one boule
The crumb of the second boule.
Bread like that will get you hooked. Try to stay out of rehab:-) Well done and happy baking.