Thanks to David's (dmsnyder) online scoring tutorial, there's hope for me! Up to this point, I've been stymied in my efforts to score effectively. Oh, I'd been able to make cuts that allowed for oven spring while avoiding blowouts, but most of those were "cheats" accomplished with a set of kitchen shears.
Round about the holidays, I invested in a real lame, but I seem to lack the confidence--or is it the coordination? (I was always picked last for teams in gym class)--to achieve beautiful scoring. And the ear remained elusive...until today.
Gosh, I don't know if I can bring myself to eat them!
Bread featured is Hamelman's Light Rye, with starter that my cousin brought stateside from Switzerland.
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Isn't it exciting when that works? Maybe it's kind of sad that we get so excited about bread crusts. :)
The first of many more to come. Eat up!
make them from a good instructor like David. Easy as pie...... Next week we will expect noses which are quite a bit harder and then you can move on to the all important and advanced - toes - Lucy's personal favorite - she likes to upchuck on them!
Well done Happy Baking
Congratulations! I know it's hard, I was struggling also for a long time that ears popped up. After many trials and failures finally I got them and they were like yours. So I understand completely how you feel now when the goal was achieved.
this is why I appreciate being a part of The Fresh Loaf: the support and encouragement of my baking peers! Thank you for your positive feedback. BTW, I was delighted with the crumb as well. Looking forward to the next bake!
Pretty soon you won't be able to understand why getting ears was so hard.
I am so glad my tutorial helped you! You made my day.
Happy baking!
Glad my post made your day--you made my bread!