Windischgirl's blog

Ladies and gentleman, we have an ear!

Profile picture for user Windischgirl

Thanks to David's (dmsnyder) online scoring tutorial, there's hope for me! Up to this point, I've been stymied in my efforts to score effectively. Oh, I'd been able to make cuts that allowed for oven spring while avoiding blowouts, but most of those were "cheats" accomplished with a set of kitchen shears.

Round about the holidays, I invested in a real lame, but I seem to lack the confidence--or is it the coordination? (I was always picked last for teams in gym class)--to achieve beautiful scoring.  And the ear remained elusive...until today.

Atta Girl

Profile picture for user Windischgirl

During a recent expedition to the local Pan-Asian grocery, I came home with 25 lbs of whole wheat atta.  Not knowing from nuthin', I expected it to be a typical whole wheat.  Thank goodness for TFL!  I checked out archived postings on using atta, and one poster had success with using Atta in TomKat's Semolina Filone, as featured in Maggie Glezer's Artisan Baking.  I started with a poolish including both yeast water and about an ounce of liquid levain for flavor and rise.  I didn't get much sour in the final bake, but that's fine with us.