hey there!
i'm wondering if there is much sourdough baking going on in berlin? i won't waste anyone's time on this corner of the internet by listing the advantages of age with respect to sourdough cultures. but i will say that i haven't been in this city for very long and so haven't been able to develop a decent/stable culture. consequently, i'm curious if anyone would be willing to share a small portion of their culture with me? for some this is a bigger ask than for others –i know that :)
i'm relatively experienced with baking (rye/wheat) bread and would keep in touch to inform you of your culture's destiny as it plays out in my hands.
with love and gratitude to saccharomyces,
p.s. i am new to this site and so may be posting in the wrong area. if this is the case, i apologise.
Buy some whole rye flour - make sire it is whole rye with nothing taken out of it. Combine 30 g of rye flour and bottled water - not tap water. Let sit covered for 24 hour hours in a warm place 78-80 F. Then add 30 g of each of rye flour ans bottled water, Let sit covered fr 24 hours. On day 2 the mix may double in volume 4 times so make sure the container you have can handle it.Just stir it down every time it doubles
On day 3 divide in half and feed each half 30 g each of rye flour and bottled water.- it probably won't be as active in day 3 but the good wee beasties are taking over from the bad ones. On day 4 feed each half 30 g each of rye flour and water and the 12 hours later do it again.
On day 5 you can make a loaf of rye or wheat bread with half of the starter. And continue to feed the other half as your storage starter by tossing half of it and feeding it 60 g of rye flour and water every day.
After a month you can convert it over to the
No Muss No Fuss Starter
And nit have to do daily and weekly maintenance ever again.
Here is this last Friday;s bake where i made a rye starter from scratch and used it all to make a lovely loaf of pumpernickel after 4 days
Lucy Combines 2 Dark Ways On A Dark Day – Westphalian Pumpernickel
Making a rye starter is easy as pie...... all it takes is patience, rye flour and bottled water
Happy Rye SD baking
Kansas is a long way from Germany. I hope you find someone nearby, even if you have to beg a bit from a local bakery.
Difficulty with beginning a starter may relate to the flour, the water, or the temperature. Or all three. Usually, a batter made of whole rye flour and non-chlorinated water will be bubbling happily in 4-6 days if temperatures are in the 25-30C range.
Best of luck,
"... i'm wondering if there is much sourdough baking going on in berlin?"
Yes, there is!
Take this adresse: www.der-sauerteig.com/
Register and ask for help and sourdough cultures!
There are a lot of people baking their sd-bread! And a lot of them are speaking english!
Good luck