I'm a beer brewer and I thought it was a good idea to make bread dough from all the grains in my previous batch.
That is, I added 6kg of flour to 6kg of crushed and mashed malts and thought I could make bread of it all. I baked a loaf on the brewday and kind of let it slow rise for a week now. It smells a little tangy (a little alcohol), and I made 3 loafs of it today. Smells and tastes ok I guess, and I got this idea that I maybe could keep the dough. Take care of it maybe as a sourdough starter just that it is the dough it self.
Does this sound crazy? Am I going to be sick tomorrow?
The thing is that I hate to throw away all those crushed grains.
From my fridge that was fed a week earlier and make a nice sourdough with no I'll side effects. I'm not sure I understand your method but don't see why it would make you ill. Let us know how it tasted.
up the spent grains in bread, But after nashing for a week extracting and converting every last bit of starch to sugar the grain is really spent and tastes that way too, A bread made with all spent grains is awful compared to real bread You can use a bit of it in every bread but it pales to other grains you could add like sprouted grain of any kind.
Best to just buy a pet pig to get rid of them and then you can smoke the whole hog while drinking your home brew. a win- win -win!.
Happy baking