i made a sourdough starter two days ago now and it has developed a grayish layer on top. i dont know what that means and cant find anything on it online (maybe my wording is wrong...). i followed a youtube video from Stevethebreadguy and he said to toss it but everywhere else im reading "sourdough starter is resilient" so i was wondering if there was any way to make it work. also it has orange spots on it but not much at all.
sorry if there is a thread already in advance
Not sure what you mean by made a sourdough starter two days ago. Refreshed an existing starter or finished making a starter. Generally it takes more than two days to start from scratch. If you do not regularly refresh your starter it will turn grey on top and smell ripe. That is okay. You can use some of the starter to make a fresh batch feeding a few times to get something that is growing well.
Orange spots sounds like mold which is not something you want on your starter.
On your Starter is a bad sign. Toss it out! And start again.
If it was just grey-ish colour or looks as if it needs reviving then i'd say give it some TLC and try to nurse it back to health but not if it has red/orange colour.
Look up the pineapple method for making a starter and best of luck.
1. Clean your utensils very well and scold them out
2. Get yourself some pure pineapple juice
3. Whole Rye Flour works really well
In a glass jar mix together 60g pineapple juice + 60g whole rye flour. Stir into a paste and pat down. Cover and place in a warm part of your kitchen.
When you see activity (could be one day later or two, patience) feed as follows... Take off 80g and place to one side (don't discard till all has gone without hitch). To the remaining 40g add 40g pineapple juice and stir (use the pineapple juice to clean the sides of the jar). Then add 40g whole rye flour. Mix into a paste and pat down. Cover and place in warm area of your kitchen. If all has gone without hitch then throw away the discard.
Only when you have seen activity then proceed. Same as before... take off 80g and place to one side and to the remaining 40g add 40g pineapple juice + 40g whole rye flour. Mix into a paste, pat down and place in warm area of your kitchen. When all has gone without hitch then throw away the discard.
Only when you have seen activity then proceed. Same as before... take off 80g and place to one side and to the remaining 40g add 40g pineapple juice + 40g whole rye flour. Mix into a paste, pat down and place in warm area of your kitchen. When all has gone without hitch then throw away the discard.
Only when you have seen activity then proceed. Same as before but this time begin to feed it with boiled water that has cooled down to room temperature... take off 80g and place to one side and to the remaining 40g add 40g water + 40g whole rye flour. Mix into a paste, pat down and place in warm area of your kitchen. When all has gone without hitch then throw away the discard.
SIXTH FEED & ONWARDS... Carry on like you have been doing but with water. Once your starter is predictable and has no trouble atleast doubling with every feed within 12 hours then your starter is born.
in full detail, starting from the very beginning?