Waste not, want not! but what to do now?

Profile picture for user leslieruf

On 30th April I made Forkish Field Blen #1 and #2.  I ended up with heaps of surplus starter :( but couldn't beat to threw it out so I froze it.  I have about 650 gm.  I would like to use this now before it gets too old.  Do I just defrost it, feed it a bit and just make bread

Edit: gremlins struck again!  whenever I try to correct, it just freezes up!  

was just going to add, it is 80% hydration.  


Profile picture for user KathyF

Why not? Defrost it, see if it is still viable and use it up making bread... or pancakes... or biscuits.

You may be the only person here to have made all of the levain instead of making 1/4th as needed.  I am curious how the bread came out. :) And, hopefully, you can compare it to when you've made bread using levain that is made from a smaller batch.

as I had read enough other posts to be wary.  Any way, bread turned out great, my preference was field blend #1 over #2.  I have taken it out of the freezer this morning and I will see how it goes.  My last couple of bakes have had real shaping issues as I was making my first Tartine bread.  Taste was great, crumb was good too, but the sape was not what I wanted. :(. Have just watched a couple of videos on shaping high hydration doughs so will try again!

dabrownmans method is great and that is how I maintain my starter. Where I fell in was mixing the levain to use in the dough the next day!!  Never mind, it has nearly thawed and I will see in the morning how active it is.  Must decide tonight what bread to make....  maybe another field blend#1.  Life is full of surprises afterall.  Happy baking everyone..

dabrownmans method is great and that is how I maintain my starter. Where I fell in was mixing the levain to use in the dough the next day!!  Never mind, it has nearly thawed and I will see in the morning how active it is.  Must decide tonight what bread to make....  maybe another field blend#1.  Life is full of surprises afterall.  Happy baking everyone..