Baking with Gum Arabic


I am looking to replace corn syrup in my bread recipe and have stumbled upon the idea of making Gomme Syrup, which is simple syrup made with Gum Arabic, which is more consistent texture with corn syrup.  I tried just using simple syrup and have run into taste and texture issues as well as the simple syrup recrystallizing when baking at 500 degrees.  Has anyone had luck baking with this?  Anything I need to look out for?  Any other ideas?


It's a pretzels recipe, so the light color is important.  I used malted barley syrup and it discolored the bread too much...I would imagine molasses would have the same effect.  I am also trying to keep the flavor similar.

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I'm not sure how you are using the syrup in your recipe, but I would think the gum arabic wouldn't act the same as corn syrup. How about rice syrup?


What is the reason you need to find a substitute?  Availability, or preference?  Might help guide suggestions.  Honey?

aka. Invert Sugar. It shouldn't crystallise.


Thank you, Gordon!  After reading your reply, I did a little research on Trimoline and it seems like this is the answer.  I will play around with it and let you know the results.