I’ve been doing a lot of test bakes for my Menhir Sarrasin recipe and, yesterday, looking at three of them on the cooling rack, my inner Stone Age man asserted itself. I built a dolmen. A lot easier than with two hundred ton rocks, although tricky to balance until I dug out some cocktail sticks.
Breadhenge, built 2015.
Stonehenge, built 3000BC. (Creative Commons, Mactographer)
Yeah, yeah, I know a henge is a entire circle of standing stone. I’m jut having fun. Here’s a real dolmen:
The Poulnabrone Menhir, County Clare, Ireland. 4200-2900BC. (Creative Commons, Maelor).
you have there....Roundhaybake....I LOVE IT! Very, very nice :)
Great job on this!