1:2:3 with overnight retard

Profile picture for user theresasc

Here is the second loaf from this weekend.  Same formula as the first, only I ran out of time so it had to go into the fridge overnight.  Baked it this morning.  I do not think that I was as aggressive enough at deflating the dough with final shaping - the holes are irregular, some are quite large, and it looks like one of the slashes wanted to blow out.  I am thinking when I get to cutting the loaf through the big slash that there is going to be a large, empty hole.  Still have my shaping training wheels on:-)

This loaf is tangier than than the first - I am guessing that came from the cold retard.  The flavor is good but I am not looking to make real sour bread.  That is one of the reasons I am using the Blue Agave in the dough, hoping that the sweet will balance out the sour from the starter.




The cold longer fermentation will make it tangier. A photo uploaded at the top of the blog would be nice so all can see a picture on TFL's front page. Another lovely bake.

and my favorite recipe because its a no brainer!  I prefer the overnight retard because we then have fresh bread in the a.m.

this recipe - it has been working really well and I get great tasting bread.  I am still working out all the timing of everything.  I am still surprised at how long it takes for wild yeast to raise vs. commercial yeast, but I get such a kick out of the fact that the wild yeast works!  It is just too fun, all I seem to want to do is bake:-)