theresasc's blog

1:2:3 with overnight retard

Profile picture for user theresasc

Here is the second loaf from this weekend.  Same formula as the first, only I ran out of time so it had to go into the fridge overnight.  Baked it this morning.  I do not think that I was as aggressive enough at deflating the dough with final shaping - the holes are irregular, some are quite large, and it looks like one of the slashes wanted to blow out.  I am thinking when I get to cutting the loaf through the big slash that there is going to be a large, empty hole.  Still have my shaping training wheels on:-)

I think I am in love...

Profile picture for user theresasc

Bake 1:2:3 sourdough again today.  This is my best looking so far.  I took AbeNW11's advise and did my build a little different:


10 g 100% WW starter + 15 g ww flour + 15 g water - This sat out on the counter, it went a lot longer than I had anticipated, almost 11 hours (work got in the way)

2nd build - all of starter + 40 g ww flour + 40 g water - on the counter overnight.

Early this morning:

120 g starter

240 g water

360 g A/P (I started using Dakota Maid and it is a nice flour to bake with)

10 g Blue Agave

fun with pita!

Profile picture for user theresasc

I made pita bread using the recipe here on TFL.  It was way cool watching the pitas puff up in the oven.


 I was also able to use my grandma's bowls and rolling pin to make the pitas.  It is great to be able to use her things and keep conected through the generations.  I just recently received the bowls, and they are now my bread making bowls. 

Whoo Hoo! It worked!!

Profile picture for user theresasc

I have been reading up about starters, decided to jump in and find out what it is all about.  I tried doing the 1 Tb. water & flour deal that was on a recent thread but did not have very good luck that way.  Then I read about the pineapple juice starter, so I started up two, one with AP flour and one with WW flour, only I used orange juice instead of pineapple juice.

Tried a couple of new techniques today

Profile picture for user theresasc

I have been baking mostly the same bread since I started making bread with yeast this month. 

300 g AP flour

1 tsp yeast

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp salt

1 cup water

I tried a couple of new things today - and what is really cool is that they all worked!

1.  autolyse for 30 min.

2. did a french fold. 

3. used a brotform