Help appreciated - first attempt and doubting all is well


I could use some experienced advice right now. (this is my first time...)

Today is Day 6. I would just like to know if my starter is safe to use if it revives.

It was made with 3oz weight each Rye & water. On Day 2 it already doubled, but no sour smell. On Day 3 less flour was added, and more water because it was so thick. Since then rye and wheat, as well as water, were added twice daily, but not measured. Very few bubbles, but no doubling. And very sour, too sour. Color remained consistent. Four hours ago half of the starter was removed, and flour equal to its weight was added to the jar, with water. Since then there is a 1/2 centimeter rise, and the sour smell is diminished, replaced with a "flour-y" smell + a hint of sour. Because there is evidence that something is working in there, does this mean it is still healthy? How would I be able to tell if it is rotten, besides obvious color changes? Thank you for taking the time to help me out. Much appreciated!

This sounds normal for a starter that has not had the benefit of the "pineapple juice" treatment.  Pineapple juice makes the pH low  so that the desired organisms can thrive.  You may find an unpleasant odor developing due to "leuconostoc" bacteria, but this will disappear with time and the desired lactobacteria and the yeast take over.  The "pineapple solution" was developed to eliminate the "leuconostoc".  Search for the pineapple solution in the search box  in the upper right corner of this page.


I respectfully disagree with Eigebroetli above.  Canned pineapple juice works well.  We are NOT trying to introduce new organisms, but rather provide the best environment for the organisms already in the flour.  The canned pineapple juice serves that purpose.  I have used this method.  However, I do recommend your reading Debra Wink's articles that you can find by using the search box for "The Pineapple Juice Solution part 1" also "... Part 2".


Rule of thumb... Only feed when you see activity. 

Activity = yeasts and LAB present.

If no activity then what are you feeding? 

Its usual for young starters to go quiet days 3-4/5 and in an effort to 'revive' the starter most people increase the feeds when all they're doing is throwing away any dormant yeasts that might be present.

Stop feeding! and just stir every now and again. When it wakes up then allow it to peak then feed. Continue this way till it becomes predictable and shows activity every time it is fed. 

For the next two feeds there's no harm in using pineapple juice to give it a boost then back to water.