We are running into an issue with our homemade water bagels. The dough nearest to the hole of the bagel is not cooking all the way through. The rest of the bagel is cooked and if we try to leave it in longer the crust starts to burn and get way too crispy. We cook them at 425 or 450 for 30-35 minutes. Prior to baking we boil. Should we boiling longer? Any thoughts or suggestions on what might be the issue or solution?
Make them thinner perhaps?
I only boil for 2-3 minutes and then bake for 12-15 minutes and have never had a problem with under baking.
simmer them for 30 seconds a side just to wake them up from their 18 hour cold nap shaped in the fridge and bake them for 8 minutes at 450 F with steam and then 8 minutes at 425 F convection. Have you checked your temperature of the oven with a thermometer? You are baking them twice as long as I do, at the same temperature, and yours aren't done. Sounds like a faulty oven.
17% Whole Multi-Grain SD / YW Bagels – The Stan Ginsberg Method
as them...4oz bagels...45 sec per side....460 oven...15-17 minutes.
I did 125 grams. 22 bagels in a water bath 30 seconds a side and 9 bagels
in a 3% lye bath 10 seconds completely submerged. I baked them 20 minutes at 450 on clay tile.
stretch and make the hole bigger just before dropping in the boil in water (I use a few table spoons of malted barley in the water) boil for 30 seconds per side. Bake for 18 mins at 500.