FWSY Field Blend #2 from Seattle


Hi Fresh Loaf friends!

Again, huge thanks to your wonderful contributions. I started baking 4 months ago, working my way through Ken Forkish's book (while also reading through many books recommended here). Wanted to share my latest creation, Field Blend #2. 

Some background: I followed the recipe rather closely but, following Dmsnyder's advice, I kept a close eye on the dough as I often over proofed in the past. If you're curious, here's the combination of flour: 

- AP - KA

- Rye: Whole Foods (no label on sourcing)

- Whole Wheat: Central Mill's Whole Wheat Special Flour

Note: I once used CM's artisan AP flour plus. Wow - that dough bulked up fast! I had overproofed as I wasn't expecting the dough to ferment so quickly. Hence I went back to KA. 

A few shots for your feedback: 

A few things: 

- I always wonder whether I've reached the max in terms of achieving the largest holes possible. Thoughts? I know with rye and ww flours, expectations should be adjusted

- You can tell from the right loaf there's a lot of flour on top. That's a result from the proofing baskets. I've had issues with doughs sticking to the basket and have followed advice from this site on using a 50/50 mix of rice and AP flour, however it does stick periodically. So I clearly used too much here. Thoughts? 

I'm probably going to move on to the recipes in Tartine No 3. Also, I'm off to a ancient grants class at The Pantry here in Seattle this week. I'll post some pics from the class. 

Thanks again for all of your wonderful advice and warm engagement. My intention is to pay it back. 





I love that book. It's so helpful.

To minimize sticking, combine equal parts rice flour and AP flour in the proofing baskets. Make certain all the crevices are filled in with that combination. It helps to minimize sticking.

Nice bake you have there.


Boldly baked outside and a nice open moist and glossy crumb.  CM flour might make for a better crumb though but ou have to watch it so it doesn't over proof as you found out.

After using a mix of AP and non glutenous rice flour and still having to dump the mix on to keep it from sticking making for a white crust, I went to straight rice flour, use much less of it, dough  never sticks and no ugly white tops on bread anymore.    Well done and happy baking

Hester, Dabrownman - thanks so much for taking the time to add your very warm words of encouragement! I'll try our your tips. Agreed that I need to minimize the white tops - I'll try the tip to move on to pure rice flour. 

Now off to try Tartine No 3..