Bread Flour Bleached vs unbleached?


Hi :

I am starting to bake and do so awhile back.  I want to do some sourdough breads that use starters from various places.  In looking at the recipes some same use unbleached bread flour others say bleached is ok. I don't want to waste money buying the wrong kind. Thanks for any advise

Jim Cornwall

in the UK. It's been banned since about 1998.

Not that I'd buy it even if I had a choice, so go for unbleached - you know it makes sense!


It seems simple enough to try baking a couple of recipes with each type. If you don't change anything else, you'll see for yourself what / how much difference the flour type makes. And buying small amounts of both types won't cost much either. 

Bleached flour is banned in many countries as it poses a health hazard.  Given that piece of information I think it would be wise to avoid it.
