jimcornwall's blog

Bread Starter

 I follow want you are saying to do in bullet point number one. Lukewarm water is what temperature? After stirring in the TBS bread flour what temperature do we want to keep it at. 80 to 85 degrees? As you feed and build up your starter during the first 7 days are we discarding some of the starter as you go? About how may days before I will be able to bake using this starter Please forgive all the questions. I'm relatively new to baking and don't want to kill your starter culture.Its a memory of mine from Bayern.Sincerely,Jim 

French Bread Crust


Baked French bread and came out great except the crust just wasn't crunchy enough.

The oven was set at 425 F .  25 to 30 minutes

Pizza stone and baguette pan used.

I had a small amount of water in a pie pan at the bottom of the oven.

The oven was preheated and the temperature checked.


Any Advice would be appreciated

Thank You







Bread Flour Bleached vs unbleached?


Hi :

I am starting to bake and do so awhile back.  I want to do some sourdough breads that use starters from various places.  In looking at the recipes some same use unbleached bread flour others say bleached is ok. I don't want to waste money buying the wrong kind. Thanks for any advise

Jim Cornwall


IF Thermometer


What is the best way of telling the internal temperature of a sourdough loaf?  Probe thermometers will create holes in the loaf. Any Ideas?  Also There is quite a difference in prices for thermometers that seem to have the same capabilities.

Thank You
