I'm trying to start a starter. I am using KA whole wheat flour. Am somewhat embarrassed to confess (after his method has been so royally dissed here), that I'm using Forkish's wasteful start. I'll maintain it differently once it's going. There is definitely progress, but not doubled since my last feeding (which was day 2, yesterday about 24 hours ago). My house is chilly though, so I put it in the warmest room, near heat source w doors shut. Should I wait to do the day three feed until double? Even if that's tomorrow? (He tosses and replenishes every ~24 hours). Thanks in advance.
Confuses me so I'll answer taking in regard a normal method.
Your starter will not be viable, or mature enough, to double in a 12 hour period for atleast 5-6 days.
You may notice after day two a 'rising' but this is just leuconostoc activity and then all goes quiet. Carry on feeding it and when yeast activity starts it'll waken up.
What does it smell like?
Using only rye will suffice. Or wholewheat too. The principle is the same.
Thank you. Forkish says 24 hours for doubling.
Yes, I can see it 'rising' from the marks I've made on the side and also from bubbles/holes I can see from the side.
Smell is a little "off". but not rotten.
Ok, so I feed it anyway, correct?
Thanks so much for your reply
Your starter is turning. It will bubble up very soon but this will not make it a viable starter. The first bubbling will be bacterial activity and it'll smell yuck. Like bad banana or something. Then the bubbling will die down as the starter turns acidic killing off these bad bugs. Then subsequent feedings is giving the good yeasts food and making them strong enough to multiply turning it into a viable starter. When it starts to bubble up again and can do so in a 12 hour period you're good to go.
I think you can possible wait a little longer before feeding it again. atleast till you've gotten past the first leuconostoc activity. Then half it and feed it and do so everyday till it's ready. Have a look at the video.
Now I don't know forkish's method. I understand he uses a LOT of flour which i'm really against as it's unnecessary. And I reiterate that the method I like and have given advice about is for the method such as in the video.
Might help if you outline forish's method.
Thank you again,
Basically Forkish has one use gargantuan amounts of flour and water (500 gms each for 5 days). Tossing 3/4 of the mix before re-feeding it. On day 4 he holds back 20% instead of 25% and refeeds. Day 5 he holds back 15% and then feeds with 100 gm of whole wheat and 400 of white.
Not quite understanding when I started this, I used ww b/c I'm not a rye fan. However I now see that I could've changed over to ww or white easily. So if this doesn't work I'll use the video method. It's perfect, not wasteful and just what I needed to see.... So thank so much for that.
Awful lot of flour. Here's what I think of Forkish method...
Credit where it's due... his breads look good and I believe, from what I hear, are very tasty.
But what I cannot understand is his method. Many people can get from A - B but not only is getting there aim of the game but also how you get there. A virtuoso makes playing an instrument look easy. Same with baking.
I have no doubt whatsoever that if you follow forkish's method you'll make a viable starter. But you can also make a viable starter like the person in the video. No fuss, little wastage and less faffing about.
Best of luck with whatever you choose. Let us know how you're doing.
Well, I'm on day 3 so will stay the course for another day. But I'm buying Rye today just in case. I do think this will work, but will never ever again use these amounts. Seems unnecessary. And btw, I've done his White bread w poolish and it's really delicious.
Keep a much smaller amount and when you wish to bake just take a little off and build that into your levain.
I keep in the fridge about 150g at any one time (sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less). When I wish to bake i'll take a little off and build it into the amount asked for in the recipe. When my starter in the fridge is running low i'll take it out and feed it. Leave it out for a few hours and return it to the fridge. And the process starts again.
Rye lends itself very well in a starter. I keep mine 100% whole rye. Should I want 150g of white bread flour starter I have a choice. It's recommended to build atleast twice to get a good strong levain. So i'll take off 16g of whole rye starter and build like this...
16g starter + 17g white bread flour + 17g water (=50g)
12 hours later i'll have 50g of active starter then i'll feed that... 50g white bread flour + 50g water and 4 - 6 hours later i'll have 150g of very active white flour starter. 2nd feed will take much quicker.
Anyways, you'll find a way which suits you and will take a little while till you fall into a "rhythm" that's fits your baking needs.
Very nice bread! love the crumb. Looks delicious.
Sourdough is fun... enjoy.
Hey Abe, Am printing out your way as you wrote above. Thanks so much.