How much levain to keep when getting ready to bake


Hey folks,

I'm new to the fresh loaf but have been a member and following lots of amazing stuff for months now. Seems like a really great community of passionate bread bakers, which I have now become.


How much levain do you keep when refreshing to prep for baking?

I understand that the left over levain is basically spent fuel, so using a lot doesn't benefit in any way and can possibly make your bread too sour. Is this correct?

My starter is 100% poolish. Being 125g BF, 125g Red Fife, 250g water.

Normally I just eyeball how much I throw away. Could be a little more, could be a little less.

Is there a % that you use of old levain to new flour?

Thanks so much and looking forward to finally joining in on things!



I keep my starter at 100% hydration and always fed whole rye. 

When it comes to baking I take a little off and build that into the levain.

When my starter is running low I'll feed it to top it up. 

Never do I use the whole lot in a poolish and just keep some back. And if you do remember to keep some back then just carry on feeding it to keep it going. It'll have run out of food but feeding it will bring it back to life. If left too long and it's got nothing to feed off then it'll go off. 

When I've fed mine I'll keep it out for a few hours then put it in the fridge. It'll keep for quite a while. Then I'll take a little off to use in my next bake and so on.

What is your process?