I'm reviving a dark rye starter and thought the extra I was about to toss away after being fed would work well in a knackebrod recipe I found that uses a sourdough starter over on a site called bead and milk and blackberries, but the site is now set to invitation only.
This is a long shot, but are there any other sourdough lovers out there who make sourdough crackers and have this specific recipe, or one similar to it? It used rye and whole wheat flour possibly spelt, yoghurt, honey, optional caraway along with other readily available ingredients to the average baker.
I'm kicking myself for not saving this recipe elsewhere it was really good! Help!?
HI there
I have had success with the recipe on Anne's Food, just adapting it to use with my starter.
There is a Youtube video of Jamie Oliver working in a Swedish chef's kitchen that I found helpful, that section starts around minute 17.
Also you could check out the Sourdough Surprises group sourdough crackers reports.
If I were you I would write to the blogger and request an invite, I'm guessing there has been spam problems, and as you can provide positive feedback about the recipe, you may meet the criteria. Or you could just ask for the recipe.....
Let us know how you get on......
You might take a look at ronray's version of sourdough crackers and see if you can improvise to create what you are looking for.
Good Luck,
Thanks for the other recipes. Every year around this time I start thinking about grissini, bread sticks and crackers with big bowls of soup and stew so will definitely try them out too.
I'm guessing the site owner saw my post because the recipe is back up.