May I ask you experts here why I almost always get a gummy crumb of my loaf bread? I can bear with the irregular holes since it is only for our family's consumption but the gummy crumb? I dont feel like Im doing a good job to keep my family off of grocery bread. I used to make a good loaf with good crumb and good crust using the recipes from KA Flours but I have a problem of the finished loaf being too heavy literally (not dense, just heavy). One finished loaf (using KAF paindemie recipe) baked in a 12.5x4in pain de mie pan would weigh almost 1.5 kilos! I wanted to find a recipe that will yield a lighter loaf so I kept on trying pain de mie recipes (P.Reinhart, C. Hitz, etc) but it almost always results in a gummy crumb. Or do my experiments mean I just need to stick to the KAF recipe? I need your help guys. I am desperate to get the perfect pain de mie recipe that could satisfy my family and me.
Other things I do are: 1) I knead by hand using slap&fold technique of R. Bertinet; 2) I do so for almost 30mins. I noticed by the 20th minute it still has poor gluten formation so I continue until 30mins; 3) Sometimes I forget to autolyse, but I do so when I remember 4) KAF recipe says to bake at 375F, 25mins with lid, 20mins without lid. But when I do it, it gets burnt (I have a brick oven). So I lower it to 300F instead and extend to 1 hour or 1hr 10mins max.
What could I be doing wrong? ;(
What is the interior temperature of the baked loaf when you remove it from the oven? It should be 195 to 205°F (91 to 96°C). I suspect your interior temperature has not yet reached 195°F.
might want to switch to light or reflective pans or polish the outside.
Looks like a finger dent in moist bread. If the bread is just moist, that clears up after the moisture in the loaf migrates towards the crust over the first 24 hrs. Fresh baked bread will always tend to clump in the middle if pressed together.
Yeah to me I'd say under-baked, perhaps a bit longer in the oven, Fords suggestion for internal temp is a good one.
As for kneading for 30 mins by hand, that seems like a huge amount, is there a lot of fat in this recipe? If its a lean dough, 5 minutes should be enough, it may be you're over working the dough, this might make it feel really light and soft when pressed. However I've not heard of anyone over kneading by hand before as its really hard to do.