Ripe Test?


Hi All, 

I've been making pretzel dough (50% hydration) and everything has been going great. I follow the recipe to the T and it goes perfect every time. I had a problem the past two days and I can't quite figure out what I did wrong!

When I'm rolling out the dough, it is very tough and difficult to roll out. Typically it is very easy to roll out, but the dough has been very resistant to rolling and tends to "spring back" when I'm rolling it. Absolutely nothing has changed with the recipe - I did it very carefully multiple times to make sure I wasn't making any mistakes. The one thing I noticed is that when I do the "ripe test" after the first rise, I'm getting a different result. Usually, after the dough has been rising for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours, I press two fingers into the dough. Usually it leaves an indent that stays. That's how I know it's ready. The past two days, when I stick my fingers in the dough, it sticks to my fingers and pulls back with me and makes no indent. Nothing has changed with the water content so I know it's not that. 

Anyone have any ideas? 



Has the weather changed? The temperature might be the reason your results are so different. Another possible cause could just be a different batch of wheat that needs more or less moisture.

Temperature could be a reason or you might used different flour this time?

A different make, maybe you got a * bad * batch of flour this time.

I would get new flour, the one that you always use and try again.


Is it rising at all? If so try letting it rise longer. 

If you tested the dough temp then and now you'd have a better idea why it may be taking longer.