Resilient little bugger!!

Profile picture for user rgreenberg2000

It's been a while since I have participated here, but I just had to post this am.  I am amazed at what a resilient little bugger my starter is..... For reasons I won't go into it has been neglected a LONG TIME in my fridge.  In fact, last night, when I decided to pull it out, I literally had to chip out most of it, to get at the small amount that remained with some moisture (the consistency of putty.)

I fed it last night with very low expectations, and was happy this am to see the small amount I had (about 105g including what I fed it) with lots of bubbles.  So, I fed it again this am (1:1:1), and after about two hours, I'm very pleasantly surprised to see this kind of action!!!

I guess I just inadvertently dried my starter, and then reconstituted it.  Sharing here since nobody I know will care or understand at all! :)



We understand and care; welcome back and feed those little buggers!

to kill a starter once it is mature - thankfully:-)  I've tried every way accidentally possible - It still lived!

They sure are, I just pulled my 100% hydration Starter to feed him before we move house, he had not been fed in a while since I use my 50% hydration Starter.

I just know he will be fine.

I feed mine with 50g Wheat and 50g Wholemeal /Whole wheat flour. 

Great Idea with the rubberband!

That is so cool!!  I'm inspired to see this. I will be traveling for a week and am afraid of my starter dying while away.  I guess I shouldn't worry so much!!! 

is 10 weeks old in the fridge with no maintenance.  I have been baking out of it every week including this week.  it doubled easily after the 3rd feeding in less than 4 hours and was ready to go,  I'm going to refresh the starter in the fridge, with a 3 stage build this week though.  It is getting a low in volume since I only started with 100 g of it 10 weeks ago and there is about 12 g of left - Maybe it will last another week and still have 6 g left to build it back :-)

All you have to9 do is stiffen it up some with the next feeding, to say 66% hydration and once it rises 50% put it in the fridge.

Happy travels

(last fed) back to working again.  A little touch-n-go today but 8 hrs after an acetone aroma, letting it alone brought it back to smelling right.  Also doubling today.  Tomorrow it gets a well deserved feeding.   

Always a rush to wake them up again!

Ketones are a common by-product of fermentation. A ketone derived from acetic acid is acetone. The aroma of acetone is that of fingernail polish remover and is quite distinct from ethanol.



Made a great loaf from it.  Sunday to Thursday.   I compared the starter at the time to my nail polish remover.  Almost the same, no rose scent.  :)  

The aroma did change for the better and this morning (20°C, cool kitchen) I used 115g  for a rye loaf, then fed what was left.  After peaking put it back into the fridge but only for a day or two, then to feed it on my old schedule.  Next week make a "back-up" and put some into long storage.  Got to travel again...   Back to Trail.

This fine Austrian rye flour is certainly different.  Mixes to a smoother more putty like dough and has a longer shelf life.  I used up Mil's rye flour with the expiration date of Oct, 2, 2012.  Could it be the same flour I used to make the long storage starter ball?  Rye not?


....if I don't mess it up, I'll post some details in another post.  Starter is doubling in 3-4 hours, and smells great!