Converting starter


Hello everyone

I've got a question on converting an active starter to a different type of flour.

Currently I feed at a ratio of 1:5:3 and would like to switch to say AP or spelt flour. My WW starter is always on the counter. Can I just give it the same feeding with the new flour or do I have to build slowly. I ask this question because since the inoculation 10g will have lots of beasties woukldnt it starve if I give it a 1:2:1.5? Since I am hooked to a firm starter does feeding a new flour mean I have to go wetter for a few feedings ?

Any advice appreciated



Just to clarify, it sounds like you currently have a starter fed entirely with whole wheat flour, but want to change it to all AP or all spelt, yes?

I'd recommend doing the switch over in 2 or 3 feedings. Your starter might be hearty enough to handle a change like that well enough, but it'll probably be happier with a chance to adjust.

I'd suggest replacing about 1/4 - 1/3 of the WW with the new flour, then 2/4 or 2/3 the next time, and so on until the whole thing is changed over. I don't think there's any need to change the hydration.

If the starter does seem to moving a little slower after one of the feedings (not likely, I think), repeat that feeding again before moving on to a feeding with more new flour, to give it more time to adapt to the new conditions.

but I keep my stiff 66% hydration whole rye starter the same all the time and do the conversion when making the levain for the bread.  If it is a white bread i take 6-10 g of starter and feed it white flour.  .If it is multigrain i feed it multigrain flourand if WW I feed it WW.  Since we do a 3 stage levain build at 100% hydration to about 15% of the total flour and water weight of the bread anyway, it is in top shape after the 3rd feeding every time. - no worries.  That way you only have to keep one starter.

Yes, my starter is fed only WW. It makes sense I guess to slowly change, though I was primarily worried about the lower ratio feedings. Wanted extra advice which is well received. Thank you for your thoughts

Keeping 1 starter is ideal and what you are doing is great with no waste. I just have to have a WW too. The rye starter can sit happily for more than a day  at 65-  70 F without a feed since it quite stiff, just S & F to invigorate every now and then. So resilient. Surprises more everyday
