Plotziade 2 evaluation is up!

Profile picture for user dabrownman

Lucy must be worn out. Hope she can find some shade and rest up! That bread looks like it is packed full of flavory grains and still looks moist. However she does it, she has scored again!

Happy Baking


The picture is from our last 67% whole grain baguette bake...and not from Plotzaide 2 the Bread Olympics which van b found by going to the site at the bottom of the post.  Great bread - all of them.  You GMA's need to join in the fun.  I think Karin is going to have the next challenge....and then there is one you should enter for you last posts!  Free KA flour for a year and & $250 cash is nothing to sneeze at :-)

Lucy did good again today - even better then the last one - makes me want to keep her around for moral and spiritual support - plus it is fun to rub her tummy trying to get a free wish or two. 

Thanks and Happy Baking

this isn't the last Plötziade - Lucy and I love a good challenge (with or without hemp) :)


'Hopped up with Hemp' for your next challenge and if it doesn't 'Have Hemp in the Headlines' then we will sneak it in somewhere ;-)  Yes we love these challenge bakes.  Brings out the 'Best in Bread Bakers' 

Happy Baking  Karin.