Spelt and Rye Sourdough Red Wine Bread

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-recreating the Sourdough Red Wine Bread by Yuko

Finally decided to take the plunge and used the cherished red wine at home for this recipe and am glad, I was well rewarded! the taste and flavour is amazing, perfect for me (just like Yuko, a big fan of both wine and bread.) started off on Friday evening and had the bread baked in time for brunch on Sunday. (12 hour autolyse, 6 hour bulk ferment, 18 hour retard)

the only slight deviation I made were, I used rye sour starter and spelt flour to replace the AP flour in the original recipe. so it was a wheat free formula, that and I am partial towards using spelt compared to wheat flour in bread, just a personal preference. also, i omitted the cranberries, simply because i didnt have any at hand!

i think i need more practise with shaping, the bread looks 'organic' (nice way of putting it), it split into a something resembling a smile.. hihihi, but other than that, i am happy with crumb, texture and flavour. definitely one to put on rotation!

original recipe here.. Yuko's Sourdough Wine Bread