anyone know about using date paste to enhance the rise?

I just came across an intriguing article about it in Ye olde bread blogge. Has anyone here used date paste to enhance the rise? Does it work?


Here's a link to the full article, which I skimmed. The techies among you may enjoy reading this - and even understand it!  The addition of 4% date paste improved the keeping qualities of the bread, with better moisture retention and mold inhibition.  Improvements were also shown in rising time and oven spring, while the dough itself was less extensible.   I think these last were similar to results obtained with 3% sucrose - but a more careful reading may show otherwise.

This intrigued me because I did some fat-free baking years ago with dates as a sweetener / fat replacement.

I saw that there was a link, kippercat, but blanched when it turned out to be a pdf file. (I have a horror of pdf!!)

Thanks for skimming it and summarizing.  I was wondering if it would basically work like sugar. I wonder if it adds flavour.
