I got this huge whole in the middle of my bread. It's never happened before, so curious to know What caused this. It's a country bread 10% ww. I stretch and folded in 30 minute increments for 3 hours Then it goes in fridge. Next morning I let warm at room temp for 1 hour, divide, shape, let rise about 2.5 hours.
Im thinking its my shaping technique.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Make sure to get the large air bubbles out as you..... gently but firmly.... shape It is hard to be gentle and firm but that is what it takes.
Happ baking
Agreed it looks like your shaping.
Excellent! Thank you both for the input! Now, I also feel like it came a little bit too dense. Would that indicate under proofing or over proofing? Not quite sure of myself with judging proper fermentation
Looks like it might be under proofed, or not enough gluten development.
You were right it was not developed at all. My sourdough starter was not even close to active enough. It took about 4 days of twice a day feeding to get it right again.