The Whole Wheat bread on the left has 283 grams of sprouted wheat kernels. The second loaf is Whole Wheat with Millet. And both loaves contained 100% freshly milled hard Red Spring Wheat from Great River Milling. The flour actually had a bouquet - that's a first. The recipes are from PR's Whole Grain Breads. Both used a delayed fermentation with sourdough ( refrigerated for 18 hours) and followed PR's epoxy directions for the soaker and the sourdough starter. Sprouted loaf is slightly sour, soft, wheaty and moist.
- FLBaker's Blog
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Just the way we like it - Well done!
I have learned a great deal from reading your posts and try to incorporate a little more of your process/ingredients - especially when working on creating a new SD bread for the family.
recipes with what ever ingredients come to mind at the time. Sometimes they even work out OK :-) Thanks for the kind words Just 10,000 more breads to go.....Only thing worse than Wonder Bread is baking the same one over and over again! I say make the adventure something to remember!
Happy baking