FLBaker's blog

2 Sisters from the same Mother


Learning how make Kefir and had 2 cups to discard and just couldn't waste it.... added about 340 grams of 2 day old red ww, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1/4 cup each of Bob's RM ground flax and Anthony's oat fiber and 1/2 cup of yeast water made from a mixture of organic raisins, organic blue berries and organic apples and honey from Curtis - a local company in La Belle. Mixed,covered and left on counter overnight - about 12 hours. Kitchen temp about 75-76 degrees.

PR's Oat Bran Broom Bread


Here is the same recipe as the boule but using a KA pullman pan. It is slightly sour with millet and sunflower seeds. Used reduced amount of honey,home ground WW and my sourdough. Both the WW and the sourdough are fermented overnight and than mixed together.  PR's Whole Grain Breads provides calorie info for each recipe.

PR's Oat Bran Broom Bread


PR's Whole Grain Breads suggests making in loaf pan or as a boule. Increased recipe size by 13%, used sourdough and fermented both ( freshly milled WW with water and salt and my sourdough starter) overnight.  Best toasting bread especially with added millet and sunflower seeds - 4 ounces.


Whole Wheat & Sprouted Grain + Whole Wheat with Millet


The Whole Wheat bread on the left has 283 grams of sprouted wheat kernels. The second loaf is Whole Wheat with  Millet. And both loaves contained 100% freshly milled hard Red Spring Wheat from Great River Milling. The flour actually had a bouquet - that's a first. The recipes are from PR's Whole Grain Breads. Both used a delayed fermentation with sourdough ( refrigerated for 18 hours) and followed PR's epoxy directions for the soaker and the sourdough starter.  Sprouted loaf is slightly sour, soft, wheaty and moist.