Shaping knights and castles

Profile picture for user Breadandwine

Dear Fresh Loaf members: 

I’ve been asked to deliver a couple of Family Learning sessions (parents and children learning together) to some year 2 (aged 6 and 7) students on the theme of 'Knights and Castles'.

I’m pretty comfortable with shaping castles out of bread dough, but not so with knights and their parafernalia - I’d appreciate any ideas you guys may come up with.



And are we talking using dead dough-purely for looks (like you would use clay?) or something that would be and edible end product?

As far as knights-a shield foccacia? A sword or joust stick baguette or breadstick? a chainmail embossed hand/fist rolll? (maybe proofed in a large-holed screen to imprint the chainmail design?) A horse?

Interesting project?



I could see a breast plate of armour made with scoring or fougasse... a batard sword with one long score down the middle and pointy end....

Sorry guys, the size of all the batches made in my breadmaking teaching sessions is limited by the size of my small ovens. Here's an example of my usual 'rollplay' sessions:

Each student has one mug (about 150g) of flour to make each batch, so we're talking small scale here. And the bread is meant to be eaten.

Thanks for the responses so far!


Google search  "dragon bread" and there are some really cute breads and sculptures. Use a scissors to make shallow cuts for the scales.

Flags and banners

Their own family crest

Definite;ly horses.

Great project and I love the name (roll play)!

head crushers... round with spikes with chains and handle.  I could see decorating the display table with first a solid color and then chris-cross the corners with runners to make a flag look.   Colored paper?

Shields would be pretty easy to decorate with their own inventive family emblems on the shield.  Little Pizza might lend itself for such decoration.  

Knight masks can easily be flat and held on with shoe laces or cloth sashes.  Or an round or oval loaf could be decorated with cut out dough, baked, and then the back cut off and hollowed out (eaten) leaving the rounded crust mask to wear.  

Google: knight mask images       for some great ideas to show kids and adults for face protection  or just make the mouth guard out of dough, embed a cotton chord that can be used to tie on over the ears and to the back of the head.

Knights and Castles immediately suggests Chess to me. Can easily imagine cutting out such pieces from cookie dough; bread would certainly be more challenging, especially for the knights! But you could easily make a Chess board from a flat bread. Onion board is traditionally baked in a rectangle, if not a square.

Good luck and have fun!