Last night's 2/8/14 bake results

Profile picture for user Kneading One

Here is a picture of my sour dough boules from last night's attempt. I used 1/2 hard red winter and 1/2 soft spring wheat with a wild yeast starter. It was fun as always.


Thanks tchism for the comment. I wanted to let you know that I took your suggestion and finally made it to Winco and they had some (number 1 dark??) hard red spring berries for $.57 per lb. I ordered a 25 pound bag since I have read in my searches that the hard red spring has a higher protein content than the hard red winter does. I will now go to Harvest House and buy some of their hard red winter and hard white winter wheat berries so that I will have something to compare with or against. Then I can start grinding my own berries as soon as I mount my grinder to a board.

Another thing I wanted to inquire about is your cob/earthen oven. Do you have any pictures listed here on the site? I wanted to see what you did for a base and how it looks. I will start on my backyard project that includes a gazebo and a cob oven as well. Not sure where to start first, but I imagine i will apply my energy towards the gazebo and then the oven first. Anyway, if you have a few pictures of your oven, I would love to see them.


Thank you for the nice comment. Yes, I must admit that to me, they are quite tasty. I really like the flour combination that I used. No, I did not grind this particular flour. However, I am very close to getting things prepared to do so. By the time I start on my next batch, it should be from freshly ground flour. So that should be interesting to see if there is a noticeable difference between previously ground and fresh ground flour. 


an if you like the taste you will love home with fresh whole ground flour.  There is no compsrison adn no going back:-)  I get Wheat berries at Winco too ann their price is half what Whole Foods charges but sadly that is the only whole berry variety they carry, no Kamut, no rye, no spelt no oat, no durum  :-(

Well done and get to cranking those berries! 

Happy baking.

I will be interested to see whether you can notice a difference? I have certainly had and used flour ground only the previous day, but I couldn't tell the difference to be honest. I suspect home milled flour may be a very different thing.

Hey tchism,

Went to the link and saw and read all about your project. Very informative reading and the pictures were fantastic! I especially liked the Corona bottles and the design that you arranged them in. So far, I have all the bottles that I need! That was the easy part! It is really good to see other people's projects so I can see what they do and how they do things. Thanks a bunch for sharing this link with me. Your oven turned out fabulous! You should be very happy with your results! I can just imagine how much fun it is to actually bake bread in the oven. Very cool indeed! I was supposed to go and get my building permit for the gazebo today, but forgot that I had to be there between 8-11:30 for walk ups. So will have to either call in and get an appointment or wait until next Wednesday to get the permit. In the meantime, I am leveling out the area of the gazebo. So I am looking forward to actually getting into the build part. I have accumulated many of the things that I will need. So it is all just a matter of time. Thanks again for sharing!


In reply to by Kneading One

Glad you had a chance to check it out.

It's a lot of fun to bake with. Best of luck with your project!