Although this is one of my favourite formulas, there are many other bakers here that are more qualified to give out more technical advice on it. It did take me 3-4 tries to finally get it right, so don't get discouraged.
I could be wrong. I would be happy with this one too but if orang3 is looking for slight improvement, that would be my guess? Shouldn't the crust show more signs of bloom? Perhaps it's the scoring. Crumb looks good but I think a bit on the dry side...I get the same looking crumb from lower hydration SF sourdough formulas. Again, I am far from perfect on my technical baking expertise...others would be better to address this one. Any comments Tartine experts?
Yeah, I didn't follow the recipe exactly. I used way more starter (50g) than what was called for because the my first loaves were super dense. I will definitely try again using only 1 tbs of starter.
wow.. yr loaf looks awesome !!!! I wish I cud produce one like that. Got phobia now with sourdough bread after few attempts at it. My culture now resting in the fridge.
Hello there thanks for the encouragement. Thanks to you I picked up my courage again, refresh my starter and made my attempt at Tartine. It was way beyond my expectation. I had actually posted here the loaf and sending u the pic of the crumbs I took this morning. Not perfect thou, but by far, this is the best that I came out with. Thank you once again for the encouragement.
Getting closer!...looks like you still need a bit more hydration? Are you using a scale to weigh your ingredients?
I used the recipe from the book. 75% hydration, 3.5 hours bulk fermentation, and 4 hour final rise. (75-80F). A scale for sure.
Although this is one of my favourite formulas, there are many other bakers here that are more qualified to give out more technical advice on it. It did take me 3-4 tries to finally get it right, so don't get discouraged.
John, what do you see that makes you say it needs more hydration? Not a challenge to your statement, I just want to learn & understand.
Orange, I like it and would be happy with a loaf like that. ;)
I could be wrong. I would be happy with this one too but if orang3 is looking for slight improvement, that would be my guess? Shouldn't the crust show more signs of bloom? Perhaps it's the scoring. Crumb looks good but I think a bit on the dry side...I get the same looking crumb from lower hydration SF sourdough formulas. Again, I am far from perfect on my technical baking expertise...others would be better to address this one. Any comments Tartine experts?
I don't know much, that is why I ask. Thanks for your thoughts on this.
That one looks perfect. Great job!
Blisters, colour and crumb. Looks great.
and the first one not bad at all for a 2nd loaf of SD. I'm guessing the 2md one tastes better too and little more sour. Well done.
Actually, the 2nd loaf was less sour, but I prefer that. I think it's cause the first loaf was proofed in my oven with a hot water bath @ 78-80F.
If you followed the recipe exactly, this loaf should come out more sweet than sour. That is what I love about the Tartine loaf.
Yeah, I didn't follow the recipe exactly. I used way more starter (50g) than what was called for because the my first loaves were super dense. I will definitely try again using only 1 tbs of starter.
wow.. yr loaf looks awesome !!!! I wish I cud produce one like that. Got phobia now with sourdough bread after few attempts at it. My culture now resting in the fridge.
Don't give up! Keep on trying and you will get it. My first loaves were a horrible...

Hello there thanks for the encouragement. Thanks to you I picked up my courage again, refresh my starter and made my attempt at Tartine. It was way beyond my expectation. I had actually posted here the loaf and sending u the pic of the crumbs I took this morning. Not perfect thou, but by far, this is the best that I came out with. Thank you once again for the encouragement.
Regs Nora
Great loaves! Loved tithe holes in the crumb!
The first one looked like it was slightly over proofed or maybe looked like it was a higher hydration.
in search of "my" tartine loaf.
But to echo the others, we just have to keep at it :)