We 3 gmas met Multigrain challenge (or tried to)

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Barb started out by saying she was not "meeting the challenge" but since she made this great multigrain bread... I am thinking she DID meet it.

Here is her story as she went along.

Saturday I was inspired by all the breads with whole grains and multi grain FWSY bread, to try adding things to the basic country bread. Added in and or subbed in a little anise seed, whey powder, potato flour, coarse rye meal, semolina flour and 7 grain cereal. Had to add more flour, dough shaped up nicely after that. Mixed final dough at6:30 pm, Forkish says it should be about 2 1/2 times its original volume about 5 hours after mixing. This was at 4 hours

Divided, shaped, put into baskets, into refrigerator

Went to sleep, hoping that the expected 12-14 hours final proof might last until morning. Checked at a little more than three hours;

So who needs sleep when the dough looks like this? Baked cold DO in cold oven
Went back to sleep on a house perfumed with the smell of fresh baked bread

Great way to start the day!


Helen and I made almost identical Sandwich thins... We each added some unusual goodies... Helen added some Salad topper... I added some sunflower seeds and toasted wheat germ...]

Here are Helen's pictures. 

And now my pictures... you will see the similarities.


We had no crazy problems... just great smelling kitchens and great tasting breads... multigrains down... what is next???

 Great baking with my sisters... Barb baked earlier in the week, thank goodness, since she is down with a cold today!!! Well wishes! Helen and I caught up today. Great times sharing our baking across the "smiles". 

Happy Baking y'all


I took pictures of the greatly expanding dough planning on asking TFLovians what on earth I did wrong! After sending them to Diane for posting though, I reread the recipe.... I had added all of the prefrement instead of just a portion. Luckily my assistant noticed the extremely liquid final dough and dumped in four pawsful of flour. Then the fun began as it grew and grew. The taste however was really good and the texture not bad at all. The loaves weighed 1.2 kilo though. As long as my assistant is handy to catch my missteps I guess my wrong procedures can still be, well maybe not right, but still edible. Even with serial days, it was fun baking again with my sisters. Happy baking, and a special thank you to the assistants we all know and love.

They can keep you from making mistakes and, like mine, can get you to do strange dough stuff too.

Your bread turned out as good as I have seen.  Crust, scoring, spring and crumb all first rate and, if it tastes good - a five'fer.

Well done Barbra.  It's a shame that all of our baking goofs don't turn out as well :-)

Happy baking

sandwich thins too!  One of out favorite bakes because we love them as toast for breakfast, egg McMuffins without the Muffin and of course we never shy away from any sandwich for very long.  Glad you all baked up another successful storm and in one case an ........oozing blob too!  Well done and Happy baking to the 3 Twisted Sisters who happen to be GMA's   

LOL... Just want to go on record some of us are more twisted than others... and two of the 3 of us are also Great-grandmothers... yay... great hearing from you.