First Entry

Profile picture for user DPP baker


          My name is Tyson and I am the artisan baker at Kredls Corner Market in Hampton, New Brunswick. What I do here is bake bread for Daves Produce Packs which is a local shared agriculture program. We serve 450 families with fresh produce, free run eggs, and bread from me every week. I use Flour from Speerville a local flour mill. Thier flour is unlike anything I have ever used. They focus On being exclusively maritime grown grain and produce organic whole grain flours. This week was a Whole Grain Rye that I got great feedback from. I actually got a hug from one customer because she loved it so much. Next week I'm thinking Sesame Sourdough.

Thanks DPP BAker

Tyson O'Bosky

Good luck with your baking venture.  Few things in life make people happier than a good loaf of bread freshly baked by a crafts person who cares about the grain he uses for flour - especially when they are huingry!

Happy baking

Profile picture for user annie the chef

Beautiful loaves!

Welcome to TFL and look forward to see more of your bakes.

