Barb's (gmabaking) Tartine Bread Saga!

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My sister Barbra made Tartine bread... I am posting the pictures and she will come on as a reply with the "rest of the story."


There you go... she says things went wrong and these pictures would be proof of that... I am not seeing much bad stuff here... looks pretty amazing to me... 

You go Barb, tell em all about it.

LOL Diane


Yesterday morning the leavain was ready to wasn't ready for bread making since the plumber was on his way. About 12:30 when I knew there was not time, I went ahead and mixed up the dough. The only thing that fit the suggested/expected timelines was the autolyze period. After that, there was time enough for an hour of stretch and fold at 15 minute intervals instead of the two hours at around 20-30 minutes that I usually do. Then it was time for husband's doctor appointment so there the dough sat for two more hours, no folds, no attention, no anxious peeking under the cover to see if there was yeasty activity. One more fold, then out of the bowl, rested, shaped and into brotforms. Decided to not try the refrigerator this time and left it on counter (room temperature around 78 degrees), hoped for three hours of final proof but at two it was looking more poofy than anything. So into the oven they went, in cold DO's in cold oven. I was prepared to see pancakes when I took the lids off about thirty minutes later. So much for watching the dough and not the clock--turned out not too bad by watching neither!

Last summer in a discussion about mini ovens, Dabrownman told me I'd have 6 inches of clearance, I remember writing back and commenting that if I ever had 6 inch tall bread it would mean someone else was doing the baking. Aha that must be it-, I think maybe my assistant slipped in and made new dough while I was gone, she is looking pretty sly....

Just goes to show you how bad you really have to be to dough before it bites you back and makes you pay.  Dough is like a good apprentice - it wants to be your best friend and will only bite your ankles when you really deserve it :-)

This si some pretty nice bread.  Good to see some Tartine loaves coming out so well of late.  Tartine can be difficult but you can bake it 3 ways.  Cold dough, cold DO, cold oven.   Cold Dough, cold DO and hot oven or, Cold dough cold DO and hot oven o,r cold dough, hot DO and hot oven and they all seem to work well if you adjust the time under the cover correctly,  Now worries.

Very well done Barbara and Happy Baking !


I do love the variable baking for this bread. The ear was pretty small but oh so good! Pure ego gratification, the holes may not be edible but that crunchy crust point of an ear...