Hello Everyone :)
I am FINALLY back on air and back to baking. The past 4 months have been horrid, and now that I am in my new home in England, and have my ingredients in my cupboard, I am ready to pick up wher eI left off :)
I am loving England by the way. I am home and never EVER want to leave :D
What is down stairs awaiting a fold you ask? Wholemeal & Oat currant loaf.
I'm hanging for some nice rustic bread and am looking to begin a Ciabatta, Semolina loaf and try my hand at a Stollon.
Havent had a chance to reacquaint myself with my beloved BBA, but I think that is a pleasure for tonight :)
I am soooo happy to be back, and I hope EVERYONE is well.
Happy holiday season!
We are in the same situation. Congratulations on finally getting settled!
Welcome back, greenbaker. Glad to hear your big leap was a happy one.
On air? As in cloud nine?
lol, no, on air as in back online and back on the fresh oaf! I have missed everyone here and the wonderful recipes and charing of a passion :)
Thanks browndog. It is a happy leap if not a daunting one. From Oz to the UK.....wow.